

I started this blog with the intention to post looks that can serve you as inspiration.
Each look is accompanied with a few tips & tricks that help you personalize the outfit to your type, style or personality.

Hence the name of my site ‘Fashion likes you’, fashion is for everyone!
I created this blog out of passion for fashion and my desire to share that passion with you. It has, however, taken decades before I dared to launch myself.After I finished my lawyer degree, I decided to start my career in the banking world. The functions were varied and fascinating and gave me a safe feeling. But I lacked passion.

After a long career, I finally made the decision and left the banking world. I then followed a training course at the Schoonheidsschool in Antwerp of all-round colour, style and image consultant. The idea of a fashion blog started to grow slowly.

At first I had doubts because most fashion bloggers are young people while I belong to the more mature age group. But a conversation with peers at a family party and the support of my husband and my two children convinced me. It is not the age that counts but what inspires you.

I wish to share my passion and the knowledge I gained through my education as a fashion coach to help you find the outfit that corresponds to you and you will shine both from the outside and inside.
